Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer in Colorado

(With Joseph at a Colorado Rockies game, September 7th)

Shalom to anybody still watching for new blogs from me . . . For whatever reason, there hasn't seemed to be as much material and/or motivation for blogging since returning to the States. Maybe because this seems old and familiar and not of interest. Or maybe I need to look at this from a different angle--now, instead of sharing my life in Israel with friends in the States, maybe now I am sharing my life in the States with my friends in Israel! :-)

Let me try and summarize my first six months back in the States in one paragraph . . . After setting foot back on Colorado soil May 5th, I spent the month of May largely unpacking, adjusting, and spending time with family (including a week with my brother at his home in Arvada). I was quite surprised to find and begin a job in June! I wasn't really anticipating that step until mid to late July, but the perfect job appeared and a brain doesn't think so clearly at midnight! I sent in my resume, was called the next morning to schedule an interview, and started working at a hotel in my town on June 17th. This role is virtually identical to the role I filled in Israel my last eight months there--head housekeeper/assistant manager/hotel supervisor. Basically, the general manager's right hand. I have found this type of position to be my strength.

(Okay, well maybe two paragraphs) June, July, and August gave me quite a taste of what a hotel's busy season is! It is crazy busy and never a dull moment!! Being short staffed sometimes made the summer quite a challenge, but each day worked out--the rooms got done, laundry somehow got done as needed, guests kept coming, etc. I found myself working 6 days a week, 50-60 hours a week. Things stabilized around the end of August; it was an interesting first couple months back in the American work force, but I love my job. It is the perfect job with a great boss and coworkers, and I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Other than working, I haven't had many big happenings, but there have been some fun and special events . . .

As I mentioned, I spent a week down with my brother, Kenton, in Arvada. Although he still had to work (responsible young man that he is!), we spent evenings having fun together, and he took me into downtown Denver on Saturday afternoon. I had such a spectacular time! We went to the REI flagship store--amazing! So much equipment for sale and such a customer friendly store.

The REI store from Confluence Park
Confluence Park is so named because it sprawls around the junction of Cherry Creek and the South Platte River.
After spending time at REI and the park, Kenton and I visited an amazing spice shop and then stopped for boba tea before heading back to his house. (If you've never tried boba tea, it is an experience. Just don't ask your brother to try and explain it before you try it!! The description may color your impression :-)
I went for a walk most of the days while Kenton was at work. A lovely trail following a small creek runs a few blocks from his house, and one could walk for miles.

A lovely spring day on the trail

Arriving back in Colorado in May felt like stepping back a month weather wise. Israel was firmly starting summer, with temps easily in the 70s or 80s each day--sunny and warm. Here, temps climbed into the 60s on warm days, but there were also many cool nights and cloudy/rainy days.

Beautiful sunset over the mountains on June 8th
Later that night, it poured rain and hail. There was over a meter of rain water in the window well; needless to say, Hannah's basement room flooded . . .

Hannah was awarded her associate's degree from Aims Community College the first weekend in May. It was so fun to celebrate with her!

Abbi and I had a little fun with all of Hannah's regalia . . . (this can be completely chalked up to jet lag--had only been home 2 1/2 days!!)
The first time our entire family was together in 16 months. This was about the 27th of 83 family pictures taken that day. After each attempt, a certain family member would say "let's just try one more."

Mom had wanted to do a little welcome home party for me and also a celebration open house for Hannah. Hannah chose to postpone hers a little bit so that she could share the afternoon with me. It was so thoughtful of her, and I was honored to share the party!

The PURPLE cake table . . . (Mom made the cakes)
Hannah and I with a very special family friend (our beloved Aunt Patty) at our combined party
Spring and summer at the Larson home would not be complete without baby goats. Although most of the does had kidded before I returned, there were still some left and I got to enjoy the new babies!
Hannah with one of Savannah's babies
Dixie's beautiful and splashy little girl

July 4th--America's Independence Day for my international friends. I had to work for some of the day, but then celebrated with my family with a barbecued dinner, fireworks viewing, cherry seed spitting, and red/white/blue temporary tattoos!
With Abigail and Emily
August brought with it the county fair. Since I have worked every weekend since beginning my job, I hadn't been able to attend any goat shows this summer with my siblings. The goat show at the Larimer County Fair was scheduled for a Monday; I was excited to be able to watch my siblings show and help Mom and Dad with the show paperwork.

Hannah ring stewarding and holding the next goat Emily was going to show
Emily, Joseph, and Abbi in the show ring with some beautiful goats!
And, what would a fair be without attending the rodeo? I was given complimentary tickets and enjoyed the performance with Aunt Patty. You know you're back in the States when you see the Stars and Stripes instead of the blue and white Star of David.
I had to laugh at this and thought you all might enjoy it. How does one transport a turkey? By wheelbarrow of course! I showed poultry for seven years and learned quite a few tricks in preparing birds for exhibition, but I hadn't seen this before. I didn't get my camera out in time to catch the bird in motion, but trust me, he was getting wheeled across the roadway!!

One of the things I really wanted to do was go to a Rockies game. I procrastinated most of the summer, so then Joseph and I were left with very few options when we combined our schedules with the Rockies home schedule. We were able to go to a Wednesday night game; the Rockies were hosting the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Walking (limping in my case) towards the grand Coors Field entrance
Looking out at the field from behind home plate
However, our seats were not behind home plate :-) We still had a great view--could see strikes and balls and got to watch the outfielders in action up close.Something unique to Coors Field--the blue line running around the stadium near the top marks exactly one mile above sea level.
Unfortunately, the Rockies lost the game that night. Despite the loss, Joseph and I had such a fun evening. Some nearby fans were entertaining, we got our hot dogs and nachos, and enjoyed walking around the ball park.

So now, you are all mostly caught up on my summer! Coming up next--either a few more pictures from the last couple weeks in Israel or a review of my Colorado fall and short holiday in Denver . . .

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