Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Go Big Red!

I cannot believe that I have let a year and a half go by since the last time I posted a new blog!!!  Where does time go??

I certainly don't have any new Israeli adventures to add, but I do have some new adventures in a new state ...

As I mentioned in my last (and ancient) post, I had started a job with a hotel in the Fort Collins area.  Little did I know what I was stepping thing has led to another and after filling the role of interim manager at that hotel January through some of March 2012, the management company requested I do the same thing at a hotel they own/manage in Kearney, Nebraska for 6-8 weeks while they went through the process of hiring a new manager. 

As anybody who knows me would know, Nebraska is enemy territory.  I grew up with season tickets to CU Buffalo games and the red team was hated!! :)  Knowing this was temporary and knowing it was a good opportunity, I agreed and three days later was driving to Kearney for an unknown length of time.  I don't mind admitting I was very much dragging my heels.  I didn't mind the opportunity, but it's NEBRASKA ...enough said. 

Long story short, after I had been in Kearney for a little over a month, the management company actually offered me the general manager position.  I was taken completely by surprise and humbled they would make this offer.  By this time, I had softened a tiny bit and was actually starting to really like Kearney.  It has a small town feel but larger town amenities.  It was a big decision, but I said yes and so started the Nebraska adventure...

House hunting was quite interesting ... rentals are quickly snatched up in Kearney!  I set up an appointment with a realtor on a Saturday to look at one on Monday only to have it taken before I even got to the realtor's office.  The next day, I looked at a different apartment and was on my way to her office a mile away with my application and she called to say it was taken.  I did find one that I am quite happy with and have enjoyed having my own place for the first time in (then) four years.  It's a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment with a balcony.  It has truly become home and a haven in the evenings.

My parents and a little sister very kindly transported all my belongings out in mid-July ...While I had gone back to box everything up, they put in the hard work of hauling it up the stairs from the basement, and then Mom, Dad, and Abbi very kindly did the bulk of the work hauling furniture up three flights of stairs to my 3rd floor apartment. :)  I heard lots of jokes about this division of work ... :P 

Contrary to popular opinion, Nebraska is not only cornfields and country bumpkins.  Yes, I might as well admit it, I have changed my opinion on the state.  I actually am enjoying life in Nebraska and ...yes... have become a Husker fan.  One cannot help it here!!

 My car was the first to be affected--I actually did not apply this sticker!!  On of my employees did it as a joke in May, but I couldn't find the heart to remove it and so it remains the first Husker decoration.
 Next came a pair of Husker earrings ... those of you who know about me and earrings know that this purchase/addition is quite a statement.
 And by September 1st (the opening game of the 2012 college football season), I had gone as far as purchasing my first red Husker shirt.  (In all fairness, I had been coerced into buying my first Husker shirt in June, but it was GRAY.  A little more subtle and only worn at home ... this one was full on red and has been worn outside in public ...)  My family calls me a traitor.  I still follow CU football, but it's fun to be reminded of winning college football. :)

I even attended the University of Nebraska's graduation ceremony in Lincoln last May, two weeks after coming to Kearney.  I noticed on Facebook one of my fellow Israel volunteers was graduating and realized Lincoln was well within my reach.  Thanks to his sister's help, I was able to surprise Nick Winter and celebrate with him!  Proud of you Nick!!

 To be completely honest, managing a hotel full time has kept my hands full and limited free time.  I don't have a lot of pictures of spare time activities as I don't have a lot of spare time, but today marks the one year anniversary of coming to Nebraska.  Now that I have wintered and summered the state, I can say I am really enjoying it.  While one never knows how long they have in any specific place, I certainly treasure my time here.  It is more than corn fields, Kearney is a great town, and I find Nebraska to be a solid midwestern state with solid values and kind people. 

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