Monday, March 7, 2011

Special times, special people

Copyright 2011 Tal Silver (

Cameras have been out a lot lately; I suspect that's largely due to the fact that last week was Christine's last week of work here at Christ Church. So instead of a touristy-type post, I thought I'd upload some of these pictures and give you a glimpse into my extended "Israel family." Each person is so special.

These two pictures are not from the last week, but I still wanted to share them. This is Shabbat dinner on Friday, February 11th. I was honored to be able to light the candles and say the Hebrew blessing (this is the job of the woman of the house). Never mind the fact that the first match broke and the second burned out before I could get the second candle lit. It wasn't the smoothest lighting ever! :-)
Our distinguished John Arnold led the evening's gathering

This is almost all the Christ Church volunteers (only missing two) on our field trip to Mini Israel February 24th. It was a lovely, warm, spring day.

And no post of special people would be complete without some pictures of the Eimes. This evening I had dinner with them--barbecued hamburgers and roasted marshmallows! (February 23rd)
Back at the Eime house five days later to celebrate John's birthday

This is Rafi, our gentle and compassionate coffee shop manager. A friend had my camera this morning and was taking random photos of people--they are so fun to have! This is a bit of an odd photo--it's Rafi waving to the camera. :-)

And then lots of pictures got taken at lunch . . . These are all from last Thursday, March 3rd, Christine's last official day. (These are only a few of the pictures taken!)

Rafi, Sasha, John, myself, Aya . . . I think John was trying to unlock his memory??! What else would you use a big iron key for? Maybe simply to entertain the lunch table . . .
Two very good friends--Olga (originally from Russia) and Shane (Australia)
Nick (from Nebraska), Christine (our wonderful manager from Australia/New Zealand), and Nathan (from Oxford)
Christine and I in our office . . .
Friends, coworkers, team mates, and sisters in the Lord
Christine has worked at the Guest House for roughly 8 months and filled both the housekeeper and manager roles for the majority of her time. She truly poured her heart and soul into her responsibilities and into those serving beside her. We are all sorry to see her go--she has been a special friend to each one of us vollies. We decided how better to thank her and send her off than with a party? Tamar and Mark did a masterful job on the food, and Saturday evening was a really fun celebration!

Nick lighting the candles to set the mood . . .
Our Christ Church sweethearts--Tamar and Mark
Some of my wonderful fellow volunteers: Sarah (Germany), Nathan (Oxford), Tobias (Sweden), and George (southern US)
Christine and Gwen (our new manager, from Scotland)
The post-party volunteer table
An English-looking Aussie so thoughtfully washing the dishes afterwards . . . Thank you Shane!!!Christine and our mascot, Bob. Bob lives around the corner and has his meals with us in the dining room. He is truly a Christ Church treasure!

And one last picture in honor of Christine . . . It has truly been an honor and pleasure serving here in Jerusalem with her. She has been an "iron sharpening iron" friend who has constantly encouraged me to dig deeper and fly higher. I am so grateful to have worked alongside her the past eight months, and my life will likely display her fingerprints for a long time. Christine, you are truly a woman of God--may He bless you abundantly and reward you richly for your commitment to serving Him wherever He places you! You will always be in my heart.

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