Friday, September 24, 2010

September views

Chag Sameach friends! September 2010 is the month of high holidays here in Israel. First Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on September 18th, and Wednesday evening began the week-long festival of Sukkot (the festival of booths). Between these and the slightly cooler weather, visitors to Jerusalem have increased again and the Guest House has been busy!

We all know the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe I'll just let some pictures do the talking for me! :-) This post is likely to be a step away from my normal "educational" style. But, I know you can all access google, so if something catches your interest google it!!!!! :-)

September 2nd was a volunteers' day out to Neot Kedumim (in between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv)

The date palm trees are huge!!
Learning how to run a water wheel manually (well, with one's feet)
The threshing floor sledge
An olive press
Grinding dry hyssop with a mortar/pestle into a powder used as a spice known as zatar . . .

On Friday September 3rd, we had Shabbat dinner outside, and it was so enjoyable!!
One of our Shabbat candles
So many good friends! Neville, Anthea, and their son Nathan
Maureen and Nick (from Nebraska!)
Siblings Tamar and Beno
Christine (from Singapore), Frank, David, and ShaneWith Christine, our wonderful manager! :-)

I went for a walk with my camera in the late afternoon/early evening of September 13th . . .
I wish I had a better eye for photography . . . this is often our view as we walk home from congregation on Sunday evenings. The wall of the Old City framed in this doorway. I never have my camera with me, so I went specifically that Monday night to catch the breathtaking view. Too bad the photos don't really do it justice!

Deeper into Jerusalem's New City is a piano store . . . but this was a new sight!!!

I eventually made my way back to the Old City; the evening sky was beautiful! (maybe it had something to do with the purple shades that were visible (-: )

Looking southwest over Jerusalem
The Old City walls and Citadel of David at dusk
The vehicle entrance at Jaffa Gate
A game being played on the side of the road just inside Jaffa Gate. Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of shop owners and tourists, these two were completely wrapped up in their game.

And, I enjoyed a relaxing afternoon, dinner, and evening with special friends Thursday, September 16th.
Michelle and Aaron . . .
. . . and their great kiddos--Micah the valiant, Atarah the tiger, and Tirzah the tiger-trainer (by means of grabbing the tiger's tail!)

Walking back home that night . . .
the illuminated wall of Jerusalem's Old City on the other side of the Hinnom Valley
Hebron Road with the King Solomon (left) and King David (right) hotels in the background.

I hope to post again real soon with pictures from Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and my visit to the Knesset (Israel's parliament). In the meanwhile, enjoy this taste of Jerusalem and my wonderful friends here. I still stand in awe of the opportunity to come here, serve and meet so many great people. Plus, my time here has turned into quite the serious classroom--I am really getting stretched, grown, and taught.

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